As a member of the Amazon Associates programme, Skins Matter earns from qualifying purchases through links on the Skins Matter site.
The Skins Matter website may contain adverts, sponsored and affiliate links on some pages. These are typically served through our advertising partners — as well as Amazon Affiliates, these may include Google Adsense, and others. We use trusted advertising partners who each have high standards of user privacy and security. However we do not control the actual adverts seen / displayed by our partners. Our partners may collect data and use cookies for personalisation and measurement. Where ad preferences are requested as ‘non-personalised’ cookies may still be used for frequency capping, aggregated ad reporting and to combat fraud and abuse.
Clicking on any adverts, sponsored or affiliate links may track your actions by using a cookie saved to your device. Your actions are usually recorded as a referral from our website by this cookie. In most cases we earn a small commission from the advertiser or advertising partner, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase on their website.
Skins Matter uses advertising partners in these ways to help generate an income from the website, which allows us to continue our work and provide you with the best overall experience and valued information.
If you have any concerns about this we suggest you do not click on any adverts or product links found throughout the website.
For more information about our cookie use, and to change your settings and options, see our Cookie Policy.